WAIPA CEO Bostjan Skalar participated today in Madrid at the event “Enabling Frameworks For Tourism Investments During COVID-19” organized by WAIPA’s Consultative Committee member UNWTO.
Mr. Skalar lectured in the workshop on “Strategies and Frameworks to Attract and Safeguard Tourism Investments during COVID-19” where he presented key insights from the WAIPA-UNWTO joint report with the same name which outlines the key trends in the tourism industry and strategies to safeguard tourism investments during these unprecedented times that can contribute to the industry resilience and future recovery.
He mentioned that IPAs are playing a significant role in alleviating the impact of COVID-19 on investments by underpinning aftercare and policy advocacy services enabling existing investors to continue their operations. To safeguard tourism investments in the current landscape, a holistic approach of IPAs and their respective governments is required.
The specialized capacity-building sessions which were held in a hybrid manner and aimed to focus on frameworks and practical digital tools to improve competitiveness of government officials working on tourism investments and tourism projects, Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) managers, and other key decision makers in regards to the attraction and promotion of foreign direct investment (FDI) as we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.
The report will be soon available for download on our website.