Welcome to WAIPA Business Advisory Board

Business Advisory Board (BAB) is a consultative body at WAIPA which consists of 7 (& counting) distinguished business executives who are recognized for their outstanding contributions to FDI either in their field of operation, respective countries or worldwide. Members will represent a comprehensive coverage of key issues and sectors.

BAB is the investors’ voice

As the most important stakeholder in Foreign Direct Investment is the investor, the private sector plays a vital role in WAIPA BAB in supporting IPAs to enhance their corporate capacities through advise & best practices from top executives.

BAB Members

Rizwan Soomar, CEO & Managing Director, DP World Subcontinent at DP World

Dr. Caroline King, Global Head Business Development, Government Affairs at SAP

Prof. Trevor J Gunn, Vice-President – International Relations, Medtronic

Fernando A. A. V. Loureiro, Executive Director – Latin America & Africa Government Relations, Intel

Dr. Vivek Lall, Chief Executive, General Atomics Global Corporation

Nitin Jaiswal, Head of Asia-Pac (ER), Bloomberg

BAB Role

BAB will advise the IPAs as well as policy makers in respective countries on the elaboration of international best practice and standards in investment promotion, facilitation and after care. It will also assist Member IPAs with the implementation of best practices in FDI and standards through high-level consultative meetings. The BAB will undertake a number of activities including focus meetings, consultative meetings and other events including but not limited to; experience sharing sessions, trainings, capacity building activities, conferences, seminars, webinars and other events organized by WAIPA throughout the year.

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