Webinar: Green FDI – How can FDI help achieve climate goals?
On behalf of the International Trade Centre (ITC), the German Development Institute/ Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA), and the World Economic Forum (WEF), we cordially invite you to a webinar on:
Green FDI – How can FDI help achieve climate goals?
The webinar will take place on 27 April 2022, from 15:00 to 16:00 Geneva time (Central European Time), 09:00 to 10:00 Eastern Standard Time.
The webinar is being held in the framework of the Investment Facilitation for Development project, jointly implemented by the ITC and DIE.
This is the 12th webinar in a series meant to assist investment promotion agencies (IPAs) and policymakers strengthen their capacity to facilitate higher FDI flows, especially investment flows that directly contribute to development; it will also provide an opportunity to exchange experiences regarding investment facilitation, including with investors.
Against the background of the challenges of the climate crisis and the opportunities offered by new technology, the 12th investment facilitation webinar will focus on identifying the most important measures that policymakers can adopt to facilitate foreign direct investment (FDI) that contributes to achieving climate goals: ‘climate FDI’. Examples of such measures could include incentives, standards and reporting, guarantees, financial instruments, targeted investment promotion, etc.
The time is ripe for scaled up public-private collaboration to facilitate climate FDI for at least two reasons.
On the one hand, there is new evidence that green FDI can lead to a shift in environmentally friendly behaviour across the parent firm, in subsidiaries and by other domestic businesses through spillovers. This motivates the increase of green FDI – especially that targeted for climate goals – given its broad benefits beyond the specific investment.
On the other hand, there is new political commitment to implement the Paris Agreement and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) through investment: in the Glasgow Climate Pact, Parties agreed “to further scale up investments in climate action”, and leading business have shown commitment to these goals, for instance by launching the First Movers Coalition to grow zero-emission goods and services and build clean supply chains.
This webinar therefore seeks to ask investors and government officials what measures are most important and effective when it comes to promoting and facilitating climate FDI.
The findings will then be shared through a summary report, which can inform the adoption of policies and measures by governments, as well as consideration by delegates currently negotiating an Agreement on Investment Facilitation for Development at the WTO.
The webinar will be conducted in an interactive manner and allow for questions by participants.
Participation in the webinar is free of charge. However, it is necessary to register for the event. Please contact us at [email protected] to receive the meeting link details.
The webinar will be delivered through Zoom.